Lodge Saint Conval Giffnock 1359 Annual Sportsman's Dinner 2015
Fabulous night last was had by all. Excellent meal, fabulous speakers and a great amount raised on the evening for both charities.
Thanks to everyone who assisted and contributed to the evening. The total raised was a magnificent £2,220. A big thank you to everyone who handed in raffle prizes and auction prizes. I feel a special mention must got to Jason, Jamie & Jim Graham for the contributions they made to the auction of 2 framed Rangers shirts which raised £500, 2 lodge tankards and 2 lodge hip flasks which raised another £200 and
Also thanks to Gus Campbell whose special bottle of vodka raised £150.
The auction raised in total £1,255.
Once again fantastic evening and thanks to everyone who came along.
***** Click on the Programme cover below to see Photos taken on the night *****