Photos Gallery from Lodge Installation (2016) -
RWM Jim Bruce
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Annual Installation 2016.
The Installation of Bro. James Bruce on Saturday 9th January 2016 was attended by 116 Brethren, which included a large deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East along with around 60 visitors from 33 different lodges. It was a very enjoyable and successful day for the Lodge. A lot of complimentary comments were given to the Lodge by those in attendance on the day. Around 90 Brethren stayed for the harmony meal and speeches after the meeting. Thanks must go to all of the Brethren who assisted in anyway either on the Friday evening or on the Saturday. A special thanks must go to Brother Stuart Meek for collecting the drink and Louise and Barbara for serving at the bar on the night.
The Installation of Bro. James Bruce on Saturday 9th January 2016 was attended by 116 Brethren, which included a large deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East along with around 60 visitors from 33 different lodges. It was a very enjoyable and successful day for the Lodge. A lot of complimentary comments were given to the Lodge by those in attendance on the day. Around 90 Brethren stayed for the harmony meal and speeches after the meeting. Thanks must go to all of the Brethren who assisted in anyway either on the Friday evening or on the Saturday. A special thanks must go to Brother Stuart Meek for collecting the drink and Louise and Barbara for serving at the bar on the night.
Photos Gallery from Lodge Installation (2015) - (Alan Bruce)
Photos Gallery from Lodge Saint Conval 1359 - (2013).